Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hello Again, Some More Good Marketing Tips:

Hello Again:

Well, I have been working on this for a little while. I know it is going to be a long post, but I think there are some very good things in here, for you the beginner and intermediate level blogger web-site owners. I Want to let you know about some things which you will most likely like to check out.

First, I have been working on a new web-site. It is located at: Right now, there is not much up except the “About Me” page, which tells you very little about what is coming, but gives a general idea of what to expect.

Second, Below Marketing Information, which is going to be included in an E-Book I am writing, for my followers.  This E-Book will be For Sale soon, but these sections are snippets of what is to be placed inside the text of that book.  To get in front of the line, for this book which is scheduled to be completed on or before February 15th, I need for you to do two simple things. 

1. click on the Follow button at the right bar on this site, and;
2. Send me an email to to let me know you wish to have access to the book, before the Feb. 15th date, when the book will go on sale.

I have some materials, which I have acquired which I do not mind sharing with you. These materials will assist you in building your marketing strategy plan and your income, if you do something with them. I have some of them to offer you, if you go to my blog on and join me as a follower. You must also email me, to let me know you are following that blog and this one too.

This material is a sample of some general postings, I have put together for you to get an idea of what I am sharing on the site, and my blogs. AS time goes on, I will be branching the blogs and dedicating them towards different things. But for now, here is that sample.

Again, I know it is long but I hope you can take something of use from it.


Gary Brents

Finding Good Marketing Materials:

Finding good Internet marketing materials, which will push your niche market, along in the rankings, is not as easy as it sounds. Since The days of old, when the Internet marketing tactics were first being taught, it seems that there are so many supposed “Guru” Lords out there, that it is more difficult than ever to find what you want or really need.

I hear it almost every other week, from family members whom are trying to await their time, when they can sit down with me, to discuss marketing tips and ideas that I have put into action. Why? Well they somehow think that I am their “Home-Grown Guru” (which I don’t even come close to becoming), on the scale that I would be comfortable in making such a claim.

Who Am I? Well I am your neighbor, your friend, your confidant, your whatever, but really; I am just a normal guy looking to make a dollar and pay my bills like you are. The difference between you and I is not that I have made millions on line (because I have not), It is only that I have taken time to search and learn about the “Guru’s” and listened to their message and put them to practice.

What I have learned:

What I have learned about marketing strategy is this: “You always need to have a STRATAGY!” A master plan as to where you are and want to end up; when the plan is being executed. By setting a plan or strategy in motion, you have to regularly monitor progress to ensure that you are not going backwards, instead of forward to the next level of your overall plan.

I have learned that Internet marketing is a way of saying that you have to continuously try to learn and practice what you learn, on a daily basis. If you don’t plan and learn by making mistakes, then you will not be able to do something that is very important; that is to make progress!

Where My Working Research Took Me:

Well, my working research is still underway. However, I have found a group of individuals whom have become “Key Sources” of most of my materials. What I mean by this is that they have shared so much material in my library of resources and I have actually taken most of their advice to “heart,” when it comes to my marketing tactics. This group includes such names as; Alvin Phang, John Yeo, Shawn Casey and Mark Austin to name a few. These guys have really pointed most of my campaigns in the right direction, through some of the software and other materials they offer on their internet marketing campaigns and internet based webinars.

These people have given me the tools to attack this site and put their programs to use, without any reservations on my part. So, it is my goal to send them all a special thank you, for their help on so many facets of my marketing and internet marketing tactics. So, without much more to say, I am going to begin to move on with giving something back!

Niche Marketing Tips:

Doing a Niche Marketing project is not difficult to under-take, once you have an idea of where to start. But since I do not intend on selling myself as a GURU, I want to give you a free copy of a piece of information, which is very notable. (AND IT’S FREE AS WELL!)

This is an affiliate link, but it is a link that will give a book called “List Builder Handbook,” which is a tool you will need to use, while planning your new campaign projects. A paid application which may assist you, in working for profits with AdWords, called AdWord Digger and is located at:

Finding Niche markets were never so important than it is today. It is the foundation of your wishes of internet wealth and your development of your first web pages on the internet. If you reverse the stages of this, you will only cost yourself more money, which is almost point-less and frustrating to say the least.

One tool that I personally use and have benefited from is called the “Keyword Corral.” It is located at another of my affiliate links of: Now this will analyze printed materials and extract possible base keywords from it. By having these “keywords” and their frequency, can help you in working with keyword density, inside a given document. It will also help you identify possible strong keywords for further research in Google, Google Trends and other keyword applications, which are free online tools.

With Every Positive, There Is a Negative:

Now, I know this sounds overtly negative. However, it really is not when you think of it as a reminder that when you are searching for materials you enter into a world all its own. In fact, this is a world which can quickly turn into a nightmare, if you do not realize what you are getting into, while searching for marketing materials and content for your web site or blog. Believe me!

If you are starting out, you are looking for what you thought was a good program, product or piece of information. Inside your mailbox is a message from a guy, you never heard from and have no idea what he or she is going to share with you, but they have an offer for you that is going to wipe away your fears and problems of financial hardship. So, you think:

“Well I do need to do something! I need to learn something! OR let’s see what this “hack” has to say because maybe he/she will give me that little “golden Nugget” I was looking for, to kick off my next adventure and push it to making my first million...”

So, you put your cursor on the link and click!

You don’t really read all of what is going on, you just know that he/she is giving you something for free and “What the Heck” it’s free and its information! Then after you confirm your request, you find that you are now downloading a piece of information that you may well have needed.

Then you do it again, and again, and again and….!

Well you get the point! Soon, your name is bouncing across the internet like a wild ping-pong ball having spasms and convulsing from one marketer to another!

You are getting information from everywhere, offers from everywhere and soon you are so buried in free information that should you read all of it, you would be off the internet longer than on just reading the “Next Hot” E-zines, reports, or eBooks just to get ahead. But you’re fast falling behind on everything!

After a While you have almost every e-book and Ezine there is, for the moment and the offers become mundane and irritating; but the offers still roll in.

Get Your Information From Trusted Sources:

Like shopping for groceries and almost anything else, shopping for information has to be done intelligently! What I mean is that when you realize what you are truly after, and who is able to deliver what you are wanting, you have to do some research.

Find a Trusted Source, by researching the person or firm that you are going to be requesting information on. Since the internet is so full of information, finding information on your potential course advisor, your potential information source should not be so difficult.

Since everyone writes differently, you will find that you like the way one person puts words together, or not! You will tend to gravitate towards the informational materials they ship your way. My point is that establishes a distant relationship with your information sources, and stick to them!

The Clutter On Your Desk Top:

What To Do With Additional Materials:

As a Writer, I do not advocate plagiarism under any circumstances! It is immoral and it is well plainly wrong to do; not to mention illegal to seal materials and reprint them in your name.

With that said, here is a good thing you can do, with all the materials you have accumulated or will accumulate over a period of time. IT is not difficult at all to do, and you can do it with some certainty that it will become productive for you, if you plan and do it correctly.

What Constitutes Plagiarism?

To do something about plagiarism, you have to understand what the internet’s tolerances are. Simply put, as long as the information you are presenting is over 85% original, you are fine! Provided that any information that takes you past that threshold, has to be cited and credit has to be given to the author of the materials you are writing about. It is about that easy in the “Lay-man’s” terms.

Okay, here is the “Shaky” part that drives me nuts! First you have to learn that to own or put up a web site or a blog, you are going to be doing some writing. Ensuring that you are not going to get into trouble, with this plagiarism stuff, you need to be able to use a tool that will check the internet and the materials on your content pages, to ensure that there are not any other materials which copy the work you are producing.

Some More Great Free Tools:

VIPER Plagiarism Checker

Even if you “farm out” or out-source your writing, you will want to still check the materials you are getting back from the person, or persons, who are doing your content writing from. There is a FREE tool I use religiously Called Viper’s Plagiarism Tool located at: Again, this is Freeware but you may wish to leave a donation for the developers (It’s the NICE Thing to do! :~).

This Tool is great for scanning your desk top and other materials on your computer for duplicate materials, as well as all over the internet. When you upload your written piece of material, then click through two other dialogue points, and you will have to wait patiently. This tool can be very slow at times, and even bump you off from time to time... But it is well worth the patience you have to invest to eliminate potential issues.


Well this is also FREEWARE but very effective! What it is designed to do is check originally downloaded material, against re-written materials to ensure that it is at least 85% original. But it goes a bit further than this.

You can check your freshly re-written content for Keyword Density. Key words are important when you are trying to prepare a piece of written material to the internet for blogs, E-Books, or even Web Site content, when trying to get noticed by Google and other search engine crawlers for page rankings.

Now, I found a new function that this tool has to offer to you. It has a button which is called “LSI”, which is invaluable for SEO optimization projects. Here is a little about what it is. Since Google has recently changed how it looks at pages for rankings, to search for collateral information about the materials, it is checking.

The LSI feature, gives you alternate “Key Words” to put check through and consider adding to your material. (You may well check these LSI suggestions on Google Ad Sense, to see what they may rank for possible placement in your site or materials to be more “search engine friendly.”

DupeFreePro is software I truly enjoy using and it is very functional in putting together campaign materials and spinning articles. It is located at: Again, this is freeware so it costs you nothing at all.

Now there are other products you can use, but whatever you decide in, as far as ensuring your materials are not the product of plagiarism, it is a subject that needs your direct attention, from the first word you write.

Drilling Down Your First Product to Sell:

Drilling down your Niche Market products, that you want to sell, is not what I am going to share with you here. However, I am going to share something that is much more productive than finding that perfect niche product to place on your site or landing page. For this I am going to point you to someone else’s materials for that. I shared earlier some of the names of people that I take my information from.

Since I am constantly trying to learn the best way to find Niche products, I use a variety of folks to generate what I am selling or promoting, on line. In my opinion, no matter that you decide to go with and listen to is entirely up to you. However, I did list a few people earlier who may be worth your checking out.

But one suggestion, that is repeatedly stated by almost everyone I know who is marketing materials, these days, is that you have to stay with what you know. It is in doing this that you can establish yourself as a professional, in the know and worth listening to.

As far as e-books and courses go, I have in blogging and blogging to target traffic, I use John Yeo mostly, and then in conjunction with John Yeo, I will also use a guy named Amish. Now since I am putting their names in this, I am also endorsing them as MY PRO Selection choices as a good starting point, to begin your journey of internet marketing.

This is the end of this post. I hope that the information you got here, will be of assistance to you. Again, please visit my other blog at:  click on the "Follow" button. Then drop by my website, which is under construction right now, at: If you will please sign the guest book and drop me a personal email letting me know you want to have "First Dibs" on the e-book, when it is ready for early distribution.  I believe at this point, that the intro price will be near $19.99 and is to be a value of over $69.99 or more. 


Gary Brents.

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